Sunday, 10 April 2011

yeah shadow of colossus..ps2 no 1 game..

 ok...korang pna men game..??anythg game la..ps2,pc,psp...pe2 je...tipu la kte xde kan..hahhaha
korg rfer genre cmne...??rpg,adventure,fighting2(wacaaaa),o puzzle n whtever la pe bnde lg...hahahha
but if u asked rfer game,pe2 game as 2 violence..tmbak2..pca,fun giler...nk2 kalu fight zombie o monster an...nie cap ea..hahahha...haaa nie nk share nie...ckp sl monster2...zombie nk share somethg gn kowg..
kowg pna men game "shadow of colossus"tok ps2,psp,n terbaru ps3...pena..??
bg yg pna..seppp skt kte geng...hehehhe
bg yg blom n de ps2 2...haaa nie game..terbek cye..xkn busan...hahah
td zombie search2 info kt la 1 video nie..100 game plg top d ps2...fuhh mmg xcted la nk tgok..p dlm pale da pkr..hahhh msti resident evil 4...sbb gmpk an game 2..skli,no 1..shadow of colossus...fuhhh terbek la...hahhaha..
ok zombie bg info skt la sl game nie..kowg msti da bese lwn hantu2,or zombie(not me ea.hue2)..msti kowg pkr..alaahhh men2 plk..ckp je la..grr~~ok2..hehhehe
yg fun sl game nie..kowg kne lwn monster yg agak gedabak besar..kowg cm semut jek...haaa byg an..
game nie ala2 gnre advtre..but at d same time puzzle...mcm mne kowg nk lwn 2..haaa bygkn..
kowg cme d bg..pedang,panah,n sekor kuda...kowg kne berlwn gn 16 colossus(monster)...p bkn sng k..
bg kowg yg agk mls berfkr 2..enti la men ea..hehehhe..sbb otak kowg kne berjln..nk pkr stategi..
p jgn rsw..kowg jz kne cr tmpt kelemahan dier...t de have fun..stab2 pale monster 2..yg bez ble kowg da beh men story..thn strt ne game+..kowg kne men time attack..cye item lock,ble kowg unlock 2...terbek n gmpk.hahah,,lg wt xcted nk men...
mle2 zombie x bermnt pown..jz beli..ble da psg..tgok cm borg jek..hurmmm biar x sntuh2...p ble tgok youtube..perghhhh,blik trus men la..hahahha..kalu cecpe tnye game pe yg zombie sran..nie la dier.."shadow of colossus"ok nie de gameply game 2...zombie share gn kowg..have fun,fun gaming..
haaa mek ko..gedabak ea..hahha..nie colossus yg ketiga,..plng zombie bnci nk lwn...p dier plg cool zombie rs e kot..hahaha
colossu yg ke..??yg kee..??adehhh xsure la..p no2 kot..t zombie cek..hehehe

 haaaa nie pown antre2 colossus plg zombie bnci...grrrr~~dpt bnuh dier..puas ati....hahhaha.
haaaa yg nie..no1...plg kcang la..stdrd la..tutorial an...keh3...fvret zombie nie...
 haaa nie yg last skli..no16...pown zombie bnci gk(smua nyr bnci..hehhe)bkn pe..geng byangkn ea..kowng da pnjt tggi2 cm bgunan klcc...pas2 sng2 je jtuh bwh..n uhh kne men dr mle blik..xke sakit ati..huhuh


  1. weiii...nk kne saman nie ambik gmba tnpe kebenaran...haha....

  2. da la ko...da la copet gmba ak...pas 2 bley tnyer plak ak sape...mmg nk kene la kn...

  3. owhhhh ckin..mne aq tw...hahhahaha...*sbnr blur lg xknl cpe..*
