monink guys,,,smua geng2 zombie cmne skg...sht2..??bru pas mara sesowg td..dier degil xmau mkn brkfas..grm btol..hahhaha,anwy kte lpe an hal 2..huhuhu..*cpe2 awek ke..*ehhh diam la..mnybok je...ok..hurmmmm,ARGHHHHHHH...!!FAKE COPY CAT..*nie asl tetbe mnjerit cm tarzan..*huhuhu...xde la,just nk gtw topic rinie je..hik3..ok,nope actly zombie nk share sometg gn kowg n rse2 kowg sndri da tw an..mne x ea,mrete owg dok ctr,tnsion plk zombie dgr..ok,skg nie mlysia da dlanda music 2 kpop..??kpop 2 adalh kelantan pop...heuk3,grw je..*woiii memain plk..*ok2,hahaha kpop 2 adallh sgktan bg korea pop..yg zombie sndri xtw hpe motif n tjuan kpop nie..cpe lead singer ea..bckup ea,ble tgok cm brebut2 nk nynyi...mne x ea..1 kmplan nk rmai2...6 7 owg..hpe x 11 trus...smbil nynyi men bola..hahahh..ok 2 lnx dorg la,dunia dorg...nie nk habaq mai sl segelitir bebdak mlayu n obses nie...baru2 nie mlysia mmg dkejut an dgn kpop mlysia...??wooww sspen nie..kpop mlysia ea..??awt x trok mpop...hurmmm..malaysia pop...huhuh..haiii mcm2 owg mlyu nie..cpe xknl owg mlyu,,bb meniru mmg tabiat..xle buang kot..hahahha..stkat nie yg zombie tw de dua band nie..fiz 24:7,n lg 1 GULA GULA ke..dua kmpulan nie kbar ea,meniru super junior(wekkkkk),n wonder girls kot,xsure...haiii mkwe zombie dlm kmpln 2...mne ble tiru..grrr~~zombie akn share pict dorg,,hrap mklum...bkn nk menghina,p nk bg kritkn n sindirn pd smua..
ok nie kmpulan..kelantan pop,heuk3,,sore...kpop mlysia..nme ea..24:7..nme unik kot..owrait zombie tgok rmai la entam kumpulan nie..coz rmai kte totly copy super junior(wekkkk)..smpai an de page anti 24:7 la..rse ea page anti lg popular dr page dorg kot..hahhahaha..kte nyr dorg nie bkn kpop..tok korea keindahan pop..hurmmm ok ble la dtrima alasn yg wt zombie rse nk mncrut n talk shit about dorg nie..xyh la,pose ke o whtevr fucking thing..tyang perut tyang pusat..owg 2 da tntu2 kafir sbb korea an.dorg mne la tw aurat2 nie..yg kowg dok wt style rmbut,style bju sebijik cm korea 2 islam laki aurat dr pusat smpai ke lutut..aduhhh~~krg ksh syg ke pe..huuhuhu..kalu da siap single ke post kt zombie ea..nk gk try dgr keindahan pop nie..hahhahaha..ok next 1...mne nk entam we go..GULA GULA..sdp 2..huhuhu
perghhhh cun 2,th hpe d kondem ea gn owg...hahahah...ok hpe yg owg dok suka kt dorg nie..??meh zombie share skt..owg xde nk mara o nk fuck dorg2 nie..coz skli pndg xde la copy cat sgt..mcm ala2 kmpulan elite je an...kmpulan lama 2..hahah...yg jd isu dorg nie,,owg dok ebo pkaian dorg yg terlmpau seksi 2..kabar ea meniru korea gk..pkai skirt mini nie..dorg 2 pown da tntu2 kafir,,tkat nama peha betis nie..hpe la sgt..lebih dr 2 dorg ble tnjuk an...dr kmpulan gula2 nie..phk dorg da mklum an..4 dr kmpulan nie owg christian..ok2..cmne yg lg 2 yg islam 2..pown bebal pnye alsn..hpe yg lg dua 2 xle bersuara ke..msala..ikot owg wtpe...owg wt dosa pown ko nk join...plik zombie...hahah..pd zombie kmpulan nie ubah la skt pkaian 2..insyallah la owg mnt kowg nyr...jgn jual peha modal kowg...mmg rmai..nk2 laki an..kte je,mnt music bgai..p blkg tanduk kuar ha...penipu la kte x stem*ayat lucah sore*...evn pak imam pown kekdg kntoi rogol owg..nie an plk owg bese..peminat2 pown 2x5..jgn fake sgt la..hahahhaa..okk,zombie bkn nk fuxk 2 kmpulan nie tok owg2 yg menghina n jaja ctr dorg nie...heyy beb,hpe kuasa ko de yg ko ble maki2 dorg nie..hpe lesen ko pngng,,agung..??menteri..??mrete2 owg dok ktuk..trtme kmpulan 24:7..kowg sndri ble cek,yg rmai dlm page anti 2..majoriti perempuan..??kowg maki2..xmalu ea..mngalah an laki ke zombie tgok..prob kowg nie,kowg bkn mara copy cat kowg mara copy cat style n gaye...owg cm kowg nie,xreti hargai music..majoriti
yg mnt kpop nie..sbb ea mke jambu n ensem..2 je..lagu,septh aram kowg xphm..kn2..??jgn fake sgt cik kak oii..kowg memekak2 ktuk n bckup super junior nie..hpe kowg dpt..??duit..super junior bwk ko g tour...wt sidang akhbr tok kowg..tnde hargai kowg..de2..??rse kowg nie bckup dorg lbh dr mak ayh aq rse..dorg nk copy cat ke hpe..lnx la,bkn pkai wet kowg..kalu da xske..da diam2,,,trus sppot kmpulan fev kowg,,kn sng..memekak cm anjing menyalak bukit nie..aspsal..??da kuat sgt..melayu2...2 pd peminat2..pd kmpulan2 kpop mlysia...enti an la weii copy owg nie..kuar an music n style kwg sndri..kalu cm skg nie..owg mmg ingt,ingt nk maki ke...xbez la cm 2.. an..zombie saran an..kowg bwk imej sndri..cm2 owg lg ble trima..ok..zombie share post nie..bkn pe..tnsion btol gn owg keliling zombie la,fb la,evn ke tweet skli..ebo copy super junior la hpe la..trtme pompuan nie..ckp cm bgus je,rse nk fuck dorg tw...sabo je la..huhuhu..ok see yaa next post...ok2 zombie tw...kli nie len,ctr mara2...xde bb mmg xle thn la..nk share gk gn kowg...hahahha...ok see ya,jge dr jge mak ayah...solat jgn tggl...ingt,super junior ke wonder girl ke..xle jamin le tlong kowg kt akhirat...p nabi muhammad s.a.w 2 yg akn tlong kowg..2 yg kowg kne snjung...bkn tamien ke hope pas nie xde la sore2 smbung mngte2 hal kpop mlysia nie..rimas tw x..thnx spnd mse bce..adios amigos\m/
p/s:music yg berdsrkn luaran sahaja,,xkn lme berthn n dilpekn....berbndg berdsrkn lagu..generasi yg akn dtg still ingt..:)
Saturday, 30 April 2011
arghhhh....!!!fake copy cat..shit
me and rpg
sebelum pe2..zombie nk ucap an..assalamualaikums smau..geng2 zombie stkt nie,,cmne..??sht2...gud2..zombie..??hurmmm lately nie mmg bz n eheee rhsia...xle gtw..klau de yg tw zombie de wt smple surgery skt 2 3 ari lps*pe dier*adehhh mlas plk nk story,,,pnjg sgt...kui3..sok2 la yg len...huhuhu...rse lme gk zombie xupdte bloq an..n de 2 3 yg email 2..tnye hal game...zombie mnx maap x mmg bz,p jgn rsw,,,zombie akn rply smua..ok2..??jgn mara2 kli stuff,mmg xkn busan la kalu zombie nk story sl game nie..hehehhe..cpe xknl zombie.,kui3..owrait bru2 nie..xtw la nape gn zombie..lyn game2 RPG 2 RPG..??mksud nyr ROLE PLAYING GAME...ok kalu d tnye zombie,,hpe spesel game2 mmg majoriti xrmai mnt..sbb fiz ssh..n scnd skt2 nk nek level..ok2 blik pd td..npe zombie kemaruk game2 cmnie..??nie gara2 "CHRONO CROSS"antre game rpg yg mmg jd kegilaan zombie la mse kecik2 dlu..huhuhu..>gmbr bwah<..ok biar zombie story skt game nie..ok?
ok..chrono cross..antre game2 yg top tok psx(ps1)..dlu zombie de game nie..p bile da mne2 pg..aduhhh time 2 mmg kempunan haaa bru2 nie...zombie sje sggh2 kdai game..tgok2 list game chrono cross..zombie pe lg..beli la..huhuhu...ciyez nie la antre rpg game yg terbek pnh de..sistem game nie,,3d n 2d..bese lama efek 3d dier ble d kte an terbek pd zmn dlu2..fuhhh..owrait bout d game..??hpe yg spesel usual rpg..stndrd la..nek an level,kmpul wet..wt side mission..nk wt snjata...actly game nie xssh pown..wlpn rmai kte zombie kcang kot..kalu nk dbdg an skg pnye level..p hpe yg mnarik sal chrono cross yg xde kt game2 skg..??hahah..nie nk gtw..bese 1 wtak akn de 1 element..element2 2...biru,hijau,merah,hitam,kuning,putih..yupp 6 element...yg mewakili kegelapan,kesucian,tanah,air,api,hutan..2 yg spesel..xkn de la kt game skg..cbe la cr..hahaha..ok tok game nie..kowg akan kwl wtak serge..actly zombie agk pelik gn dier nie..bisu ke..spnjg game 2 xkn berckp la..hurmm..anwy whtever...we move kowg akn explore bermcm2 tmpt..n cr prtner tok join kowg..majorit wtak2 len..mmg akn mmbntu kowg n smart2..caya la..huhu...kowg pown kne wt sidemission..tok dpt n wet tok dpt kwg kne tw..serge akn berlwn n msuh ngn 1 wtak...lynx>bwah<
Dlm game nie,kowg akn byk berlwn gn lynx nie..sbnr scret ea..dier nie ayah serge..mazuki,p th hpe dier wt..kne sumpah kot..hahahaha..prtghn game nie..kowg akn bertkr wtak..mcm mne..??haaa,2 kowg kne cek n men sdri...xspesel la kalu gtw...p jp je kowg pkai watk dier...da la kuat smart plk..dengki btol..hahahha...ok cmne plk gn msuh2..??ok dlm game nie..kowg bkn lwn gn calang2 bnde ok...totly 100% mutant n hp tggi2(hp=nyawa) kowg kne pndai pkai elemnt2 n kuasa magik..kalu nk mng..p zombie rse leceh n mnymph kalu terlpe save ke..thn lwn pngkt bos2 nie..thn mati..kne men blik smula dr tmpt last save..grrrr~~xde app tox retry kalu kowg fiz time men,jmpe je pat save je..lnx la bpe byk kli..huhuhu...p 110% zombie ykin sgt..kalu kowg men..mmg akn mnyrap thap gile2 ble nk lwn 6 naga bg tiap element..kira tuhan la..zombie bnci tol..hahahha..2 antre mission dlm game nie..ko ble cek..huhu..mcm game2 len gk..chrono cross pown de secret2 yg kowg kne cr...haaa antre ea.nk dpt item special..n nk dpt ending yg len(not normal story ending) byk..tkak nie..zombie da cbe 3 yg nnti2,zombie akn share scret game nie..byk sgt...hehehehhe...*pemalas,2 alsan je..*grr,diam la..huhuhu..nie antre game rpg zombie men skg..yg mmg zombie sujez la kalu cpe2 de psp 2..huhu..>gmbr bwh<ok nie list2 game rpg zombie lyn skg..check3 it out..
ok..chrono cross..antre game2 yg top tok psx(ps1)..dlu zombie de game nie..p bile da mne2 pg..aduhhh time 2 mmg kempunan haaa bru2 nie...zombie sje sggh2 kdai game..tgok2 list game chrono cross..zombie pe lg..beli la..huhuhu...ciyez nie la antre rpg game yg terbek pnh de..sistem game nie,,3d n 2d..bese lama efek 3d dier ble d kte an terbek pd zmn dlu2..fuhhh..owrait bout d game..??hpe yg spesel usual rpg..stndrd la..nek an level,kmpul wet..wt side mission..nk wt snjata...actly game nie xssh pown..wlpn rmai kte zombie kcang kot..kalu nk dbdg an skg pnye level..p hpe yg mnarik sal chrono cross yg xde kt game2 skg..??hahah..nie nk gtw..bese 1 wtak akn de 1 element..element2 2...biru,hijau,merah,hitam,kuning,putih..yupp 6 element...yg mewakili kegelapan,kesucian,tanah,air,api,hutan..2 yg spesel..xkn de la kt game skg..cbe la cr..hahaha..ok tok game nie..kowg akan kwl wtak serge..actly zombie agk pelik gn dier nie..bisu ke..spnjg game 2 xkn berckp la..hurmm..anwy whtever...we move kowg akn explore bermcm2 tmpt..n cr prtner tok join kowg..majorit wtak2 len..mmg akn mmbntu kowg n smart2..caya la..huhu...kowg pown kne wt sidemission..tok dpt n wet tok dpt kwg kne tw..serge akn berlwn n msuh ngn 1 wtak...lynx>bwah<
Dlm game nie,kowg akn byk berlwn gn lynx nie..sbnr scret ea..dier nie ayah serge..mazuki,p th hpe dier wt..kne sumpah kot..hahahaha..prtghn game nie..kowg akn bertkr wtak..mcm mne..??haaa,2 kowg kne cek n men sdri...xspesel la kalu gtw...p jp je kowg pkai watk dier...da la kuat smart plk..dengki btol..hahahha...ok cmne plk gn msuh2..??ok dlm game nie..kowg bkn lwn gn calang2 bnde ok...totly 100% mutant n hp tggi2(hp=nyawa) kowg kne pndai pkai elemnt2 n kuasa magik..kalu nk mng..p zombie rse leceh n mnymph kalu terlpe save ke..thn lwn pngkt bos2 nie..thn mati..kne men blik smula dr tmpt last save..grrrr~~xde app tox retry kalu kowg fiz time men,jmpe je pat save je..lnx la bpe byk kli..huhuhu...p 110% zombie ykin sgt..kalu kowg men..mmg akn mnyrap thap gile2 ble nk lwn 6 naga bg tiap element..kira tuhan la..zombie bnci tol..hahahha..2 antre mission dlm game nie..ko ble cek..huhu..mcm game2 len gk..chrono cross pown de secret2 yg kowg kne cr...haaa antre ea.nk dpt item special..n nk dpt ending yg len(not normal story ending) byk..tkak nie..zombie da cbe 3 yg nnti2,zombie akn share scret game nie..byk sgt...hehehehhe...*pemalas,2 alsan je..*grr,diam la..huhuhu..nie antre game rpg zombie men skg..yg mmg zombie sujez la kalu cpe2 de psp 2..huhu..>gmbr bwh<ok nie list2 game rpg zombie lyn skg..check3 it out..
shadow of heart from the new world
final fantasy xii
final fantasy x2
final fantasy x
kingdom heart
kingdom heart 2
valkyrie profile 2 silmeria
owrait nie antre2 game yg zombie kemaruk lyn skg..da xde nyr,resident evil ke hpe wars ke,halo ke..smua zombie cmpk antre2 rpg yg zombie rse mmg bez mmg top nk men..p kalu kowg2 de pndgn sndri ble comment n email zombie..kte ble share2..lg skli cpe yg email zombie lg zombie rply k..tggu2..hehehehhe..ok see ya next post,mybe zombie akn share sometg sal game2 kt atas nie ke..mne tw..kot kowg de cdgn ble email..zombie xde hal..hahaha..ok jge dr,jge mak ayah...ingt allah ingt rasul..insyallah idup slmat..amin,see yaa sign out..adios amigos,,\m/
Friday, 15 April 2011
arghhhhh fucking hates exam...grrr~~..part 2..
wehuu geng...kowg xcmne..??so far smua ok ea...sht2...??gud...hahhaa..sore bit late updte yg kowg tw,zombie ari2 updte..but sore la,skg da msm final mmg strggle giler2 la..kng next sem xdpt nek ssh plk an..zombie tw,mybe skg rmai yg bz..trtme yg student nie..btol x..??yg kolej u,nk final..n skola plk mybe pertghan ea...hahaha..xsure plk,p yaah2 whtevr...ok post kli ni,no music no gaming stuff cme nk share bnde2 yg zombie ske wt time exam n ctr2 yg jd kt zombie bru2 nie..hahhaha..biasa kalau yg knl zombie,drg akn kte mnusia plek dlm dunia...yeahh,hahah...p korg rse cm2 ke...?hahhaa..ok exam..??cpe yg ske exam kn..termsuk la zombie..zombie bnci.t nk wt cmne...haaiii tdah je la..huhu..ok msm exam totaly zombie akn wt bnde plek2..*haaa pe dier yg plek 2..??*pe dier..??sblom 2..zombie nk knl an bzfren zombie mse exam..knl kn,mr cadbury bytes,muahahha..bezfren idup n mati nie...huhuhu...zombie pown plek,th hpe exam je ingt bnde nie..adehhh~~mmg wjib de la..tht why kalu blik cuti sem..zombie beli byk2..thn bwk balik kmpus..hahhaha..
dlm beg bkn peno baju..pnoh gn bnde alah nie..huhuh..kre zombie da ketagih la gn bnde nie..*cecpe nk ngorat zombie,bg nie je k..huhuhu*...kowg..??de mknan wjib time exam..msti de an..??yela,mlas nk g cafe nk trun lg an..kui3..*ingt smua plmas cm ko ke..*grr~~dushhh jgn sbok..huhh~~yg plek nyr,zombie kekdg bertkr2 cre style mkn ea..kekdg mkn cm2 je..kekdg zombie beli air susu kt cafe...o air milo ke..zombie mkn je cm creal 2..hahhaaha..heyyy ok wht rse dier..sbb pe,xpna owg wt ok..hahhaah...p hsil dier,stgh jam kng toilet pngl2 la..huhuhuu*eukkkkk~~*...lg pnyakit zombie mse exam...zombie ske kcw owg..nk2 kalu yg tdo 2..fuhhhh bez btol..yela da sndat sgt otak nie nk ilang tnsion...huhuh..bese habuan ea...zombie dpt slipar free,bntal free...baldi free,hahahha..ko phm2 la..keh3..ok 2 bnde zombie ske wt n mkn...huhuhu...ok zombie nk out la..coz byk bnde lg nk wt nie..asgmnt n projek xsiap2..adehh~hope kowg yg exam 2..stdy tol2 k..nie final,pas 2 da eleq la..hahhah...psnaan zombie tok geng2 smua..wlpn bnci cmne kte exam nie..p ingt 1 k..kte blaja nie tok parent...tok blaja pndai2 n tok mse dpn..keje bgus2 n blas jasa mak blaja rjin2,ingt mak ayah...jgn men2 fokus...thn keje bgus2...jgn anta mak ayah uma owg tua2 k...t zombie tomoi kng...hahhaha...ok tht it 4 now...zombie close pndng n kritik...jgn segan2..ble kumen zombie..o email zombie..o klau de pertnyaan gaming..pown ble,setia mmbntu n trima nsihat kowg...domo arigato desu...haitt2..ok adios amigos..
dlm beg bkn peno baju..pnoh gn bnde alah nie..huhuh..kre zombie da ketagih la gn bnde nie..*cecpe nk ngorat zombie,bg nie je k..huhuhu*...kowg..??de mknan wjib time exam..msti de an..??yela,mlas nk g cafe nk trun lg an..kui3..*ingt smua plmas cm ko ke..*grr~~dushhh jgn sbok..huhh~~yg plek nyr,zombie kekdg bertkr2 cre style mkn ea..kekdg mkn cm2 je..kekdg zombie beli air susu kt cafe...o air milo ke..zombie mkn je cm creal 2..hahhaaha..heyyy ok wht rse dier..sbb pe,xpna owg wt ok..hahhaah...p hsil dier,stgh jam kng toilet pngl2 la..huhuhuu*eukkkkk~~*...lg pnyakit zombie mse exam...zombie ske kcw owg..nk2 kalu yg tdo 2..fuhhhh bez btol..yela da sndat sgt otak nie nk ilang tnsion...huhuh..bese habuan ea...zombie dpt slipar free,bntal free...baldi free,hahahha..ko phm2 la..keh3..ok 2 bnde zombie ske wt n mkn...huhuhu...ok zombie nk out la..coz byk bnde lg nk wt nie..asgmnt n projek xsiap2..adehh~hope kowg yg exam 2..stdy tol2 k..nie final,pas 2 da eleq la..hahhah...psnaan zombie tok geng2 smua..wlpn bnci cmne kte exam nie..p ingt 1 k..kte blaja nie tok parent...tok blaja pndai2 n tok mse dpn..keje bgus2 n blas jasa mak blaja rjin2,ingt mak ayah...jgn men2 fokus...thn keje bgus2...jgn anta mak ayah uma owg tua2 k...t zombie tomoi kng...hahhaha...ok tht it 4 now...zombie close pndng n kritik...jgn segan2..ble kumen zombie..o email zombie..o klau de pertnyaan gaming..pown ble,setia mmbntu n trima nsihat kowg...domo arigato desu...haitt2..ok adios amigos..
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Resident evil 4
wokey geng2 zombie sekalian..kowg cmne,,??sht...??gud..zombie x la..slsme skt..huhuhu..n zombie lmas tol nk kuar beli ubat..smpai an bebdak ostel,smpai la ke fb tweet...smua kte zombie pemlas...waaaaa..nie cedih nie..hahhaha..anwy zombie xnk bebel2 lbh sl zombie..p zombie nk share somethg lg gn kowg..hhuhuh..test sore2..pemgumuman...pd gamers2 tegar arap berkumpul..bce post zombie nie..huhuh..arinie zombie nk ctr skt sal "RESIDENT EVIL 4"or"BIOHAZARD 4"...kowg pndh dgr...??hahhh tipu la kalu x..mle je game nie launch kt gamecube pd taun 2005..ebohh owg sal game nie..n byk komplen n mnx..kuar an gk tok ps2,pc,n wii..n pd tahun 2005 gk..syrikat ubisoft..kuar an tok ps2,wii n pc..haaa kalu x wt,mlpas nk men an..huhu..ok 2 hal pmegeluaran...bkn 2 yg zombie nk share*tw pown..cpt la..grr~~*saba la..fiz zombie ctr sinopsis n gameplay skt ok..dlm game nie,kowg akn kawal..LEON S KENNNEDY..dier adalh sorg polis elit S.T.A.R.S..>lihat gmbr kiri<..n dier ditugaskn untuk menylamat kn anak president usa iaitu ASHLEY,
klau xslp,situasi kt ngre spain..kalu ikotkn nilai wang n bhse pnduduk kg 2 la..hurmmm..zombie xsure..rse cm mexico plk..ohh well whtever..xpntg..yg pntg mission..antre game resident yg pnh d hasilkn..zombie ble ktekn..yg nie antre terbek dr yg bek..coz graphic superb..tolty 3d,n little bit hd..kalu men gne tb wide n stereo hifi..mmg caya la..hahhaha..*p klau zombie brangan je la..huhu*..mybe de antre kowg yg agk fmiliar gn leon niekn..ohh well,kowg btol..leon pnh kuar dlm game resident evil 2 tok plntar psx..bersme2 gn claire redfield(adik chris redfield)..owrait fiz mission resident evil 4..kowg mmg xkn de tutorial mcm game2 len..kowg kne pndai klau kowg da bese gn game resident evil..mmg xde hal la men yg no 4 nie..xde beza pown..ok kte move pd wtak2 yg mnarik nyr sal game nie..wtal leon 2 sndri*akak zombie mnt sbb ensem..grr~~*sbb mmg thrill men wtak leon tok resident evil 4..dorng da tmbh epik2 fighting skt..ex,kick(sepak)..supplex(ala2 wrestling)..tujuan nyr..tok jimatkn peluru peluru mmg terhad kowg kne pkr la ea..jgn men tmbk je..kng beh pluru..abek dkokak ea zombie2 2..haaa ckp sl zombie..tok no4 kelainan ok..x mcm yg lpz2..totly mayat idup..bebal,sek ingt mkn jek..but tox no 4 nie..dorg lbh bijak,,ex,dorg ble attck pkai snjata..ble wt bom,ble elak ble kowng nk tmbk...haaa..amcm,de bran..?hahha..>ashley gmbr bawah<
2 sal watak leon n cre kndali an dier..simple,but somthg pyh nyr mak datuk...huhuhu..ok minah sbala nie..ashley..dier la yg kowg kne slmt n bwk kuar dr kg zombie xske la..sbb kowg kne escort dier..xle tggl jauh2..kne tiap mse mlkat gn leon*akak zombie jeles..hahahha* advtre nk mnylamatkn ashley bkn sng k..mcm2 creature(makhluk)yg kowg kne lwn dlu...n thn ble da slmt kowg kne protect dier..injert ubat..n tetbe ashley kne culik blik..kowg kne slmt an blik...sng cite..mmg dak nie xpndai jge dr la..n menysahkn zombie..grrr~~tp xjd mara cute..heeee~~wht..!!ske ati ashley de function dlm nie tok tlong leon..ex..kalu tmpt yg kecik o lobang..kowg ble sent ashley..crkn kunci ke..mmg 2 tgas minah lez xla menhabih an boreg owg kte kn..hahah...ok 2 ashley..dlm nie jgk...leon akn jmpe partner2 dier yg lpas2*rujuk resident evil 2*..ex nyr..
ADA WONG>gmbr kiri..<,sadler..ada o lebih dkenali women in an..perghhh~~ok ada nie pnah kuar dlm resident evil 2..sme gn dlm game nie,dorg akn tersrmpk..huhu..ada pown de mission dlm game nie...dier berkrja sbagai perisik rhsia umbrella..tujuan bkn tok slmtkn ashley o tlong leon*zombie arap2 cm2 dlu..huuu*..p tgas dier nk curik t-virus dr ketua owg jaat..pd mse yg sme dier sbnar mggnekn leon..ending t kowg tw la..hahaha..ok 2 wtak2 yg zombie rse pntg..yg len de gk..p xmbntu kowg sgt..skg zombie nk ctr secret n msuh yg kowg kne adap dlm game kowg tw..resident evil mmg konsep lwn smua nyr zombie..everthg zombie..mnusia,anjing dlm no 4..msuh nyr da d upgrade n yg mmg kowg xpna tgok sblom nie..kowg akn berlwan gn zombie(upgrade),zombie gn chainsaw(new),buaya(upgrade),zombie paderi(new)big monster(new)prisoner monster(new),zombie tentera(new)..ble dktekn mmg smua nyr baru n expermnt pertama capcom..n skg kowg ble dpt 2 smua dlm resident evil 5(post yg barucoming soon.)..
Ok now yg gamers ske skli..scret..? da..zombie pown cm2..kalu btol2 game yg bguz bg yg xkn dpt gne cheat n hpe bnde tipu2 nie..n resident evil 4 antre nyr..mmg kowg xkn dpt nk pkai cheat dlm game nie..zombie pna try..bese game kowg akn stuck,ble kowg mati..xdpt continue..ble kte mmg benci la nk,no cheat k..mmg xreal la men..hahaha..ok secret..byk gk..xpyh ssh2 nk gameshark o codebreaker..yg kowg kne wt beh an story mode..yg secret nie smua zombie da try n unclock..nk share gn kowg la..da rmai yg tnye..yela2..huhu..ok kalu nie fiz pay kowg..kalu tok ps2..mmg truz normal jek..kalu gamecub gn wii zombie xtw la..rse smua sme kot..ok..kalu kowg mennormal mode..beat game 2..kowg akn unlock,costume 1,professional mode,thompson gun(infinite),mercenaries,seperate way n ada asigmnt..bese costume 1 2 xmnarik pown..jz unifm polis leon..tht itz..xde spesel..ok mercenaries..??kalu kowg nk unlock kn smua character..tiap swg kne dpt ranking 5..ingt tiap mission..n tiap sowg..kowg akn unlock handcannon..kowg ble pkai mse story..n free kt mercent(penjual snjata n upgrade dlm story) jgn rsw..kalu kowg beat separate way,dier lbh krg mcm story mode(leon)cme yg beza kowg kwl ada wong..simple xde ssh pon,p ingt jgn overwrite save story len2..kng xdpt snjte..ok ble da beat,kowg akan unlock..costume 2 tok leon n ashley..>gambar bwh<..haa ble da unlock costume nie..kowg jg rsw sal ashley..coz zombie mmg xkn dpt
attack o wt pe2 gn dier..coz dier pkai costume ala2 knight warrior..n bg leon akn unlock ala2 mafia..n typewriter gun(infinite)..2 bnde nie unlock lpas beat seperate nie scret yg pnlg owg nk sgt la..cmne nk dpt prl 412(infinite)..gun yg mcm laser,,mmg syok skli tmbak,mati nyawa save jek..kowg kne beat profesional mode yg da kowg unlock je cm bese,story save len2 tmpt k..jgn overwrite normal complete,hahaha...xrmai yg nk wt..sbb profesional mode ssh cm gmpang k..hahhaha.ok 2 tipz n secret yg zombie nk share gn kowg..klau de nk tnye ble comment..zombie msti lyn,sblum zombie terlpe k..dvd game kowg kne la ori k..kalu x,kowg xkn dpt unlock secret nie..dier kne game2 yg fiz edition pnye..haaa 2 je msala dier..len2 smua xde hal..ok je,,kalu nk tw dvd kwg ori o x..kowg jz try men separate yg da unlock..kalu tgh2 game stck..mkne xori la..huhuh..ok tht it 4 now..zombie nk siap2 stdy nk g exam..hahahha..smpt plk bloq ea x..hahahha..sesje busan..n yaaa ampe2 terlpe bg kowg yg xdpt men game xde ps wii or whtevr 2..jgn rsw la..dgr2 dorg da kuar an tok iphone..
>gmbar sbala..<gameplay n smua nyr sme cm game asl..p pe jadah nk beli ribu2..smte2 men game nie..insyallah zombie nk try usha tok iphone nie..kalu de rezeki..xpown kowg ble down load tok pc..da byk link game nie plk 2..hahah..ok tht it 4 now..see yaa nxt time..wiv new post..ok gtw..luv gaming,enjoy gaming..huhuh..peace..><v
klau xslp,situasi kt ngre spain..kalu ikotkn nilai wang n bhse pnduduk kg 2 la..hurmmm..zombie xsure..rse cm mexico plk..ohh well whtever..xpntg..yg pntg mission..antre game resident yg pnh d hasilkn..zombie ble ktekn..yg nie antre terbek dr yg bek..coz graphic superb..tolty 3d,n little bit hd..kalu men gne tb wide n stereo hifi..mmg caya la..hahhaha..*p klau zombie brangan je la..huhu*..mybe de antre kowg yg agk fmiliar gn leon niekn..ohh well,kowg btol..leon pnh kuar dlm game resident evil 2 tok plntar psx..bersme2 gn claire redfield(adik chris redfield)..owrait fiz mission resident evil 4..kowg mmg xkn de tutorial mcm game2 len..kowg kne pndai klau kowg da bese gn game resident evil..mmg xde hal la men yg no 4 nie..xde beza pown..ok kte move pd wtak2 yg mnarik nyr sal game nie..wtal leon 2 sndri*akak zombie mnt sbb ensem..grr~~*sbb mmg thrill men wtak leon tok resident evil 4..dorng da tmbh epik2 fighting skt..ex,kick(sepak)..supplex(ala2 wrestling)..tujuan nyr..tok jimatkn peluru peluru mmg terhad kowg kne pkr la ea..jgn men tmbk je..kng beh pluru..abek dkokak ea zombie2 2..haaa ckp sl zombie..tok no4 kelainan ok..x mcm yg lpz2..totly mayat idup..bebal,sek ingt mkn jek..but tox no 4 nie..dorg lbh bijak,,ex,dorg ble attck pkai snjata..ble wt bom,ble elak ble kowng nk tmbk...haaa..amcm,de bran..?hahha..>ashley gmbr bawah<
2 sal watak leon n cre kndali an dier..simple,but somthg pyh nyr mak datuk...huhuhu..ok minah sbala nie..ashley..dier la yg kowg kne slmt n bwk kuar dr kg zombie xske la..sbb kowg kne escort dier..xle tggl jauh2..kne tiap mse mlkat gn leon*akak zombie jeles..hahahha* advtre nk mnylamatkn ashley bkn sng k..mcm2 creature(makhluk)yg kowg kne lwn dlu...n thn ble da slmt kowg kne protect dier..injert ubat..n tetbe ashley kne culik blik..kowg kne slmt an blik...sng cite..mmg dak nie xpndai jge dr la..n menysahkn zombie..grrr~~tp xjd mara cute..heeee~~wht..!!ske ati ashley de function dlm nie tok tlong leon..ex..kalu tmpt yg kecik o lobang..kowg ble sent ashley..crkn kunci ke..mmg 2 tgas minah lez xla menhabih an boreg owg kte kn..hahah...ok 2 ashley..dlm nie jgk...leon akn jmpe partner2 dier yg lpas2*rujuk resident evil 2*..ex nyr..
ADA WONG>gmbr kiri..<,sadler..ada o lebih dkenali women in an..perghhh~~ok ada nie pnah kuar dlm resident evil 2..sme gn dlm game nie,dorg akn tersrmpk..huhu..ada pown de mission dlm game nie...dier berkrja sbagai perisik rhsia umbrella..tujuan bkn tok slmtkn ashley o tlong leon*zombie arap2 cm2 dlu..huuu*..p tgas dier nk curik t-virus dr ketua owg jaat..pd mse yg sme dier sbnar mggnekn leon..ending t kowg tw la..hahaha..ok 2 wtak2 yg zombie rse pntg..yg len de gk..p xmbntu kowg sgt..skg zombie nk ctr secret n msuh yg kowg kne adap dlm game kowg tw..resident evil mmg konsep lwn smua nyr zombie..everthg zombie..mnusia,anjing dlm no 4..msuh nyr da d upgrade n yg mmg kowg xpna tgok sblom nie..kowg akn berlwan gn zombie(upgrade),zombie gn chainsaw(new),buaya(upgrade),zombie paderi(new)big monster(new)prisoner monster(new),zombie tentera(new)..ble dktekn mmg smua nyr baru n expermnt pertama capcom..n skg kowg ble dpt 2 smua dlm resident evil 5(post yg barucoming soon.)..
Ok now yg gamers ske skli..scret..? da..zombie pown cm2..kalu btol2 game yg bguz bg yg xkn dpt gne cheat n hpe bnde tipu2 nie..n resident evil 4 antre nyr..mmg kowg xkn dpt nk pkai cheat dlm game nie..zombie pna try..bese game kowg akn stuck,ble kowg mati..xdpt continue..ble kte mmg benci la nk,no cheat k..mmg xreal la men..hahaha..ok secret..byk gk..xpyh ssh2 nk gameshark o codebreaker..yg kowg kne wt beh an story mode..yg secret nie smua zombie da try n unclock..nk share gn kowg la..da rmai yg tnye..yela2..huhu..ok kalu nie fiz pay kowg..kalu tok ps2..mmg truz normal jek..kalu gamecub gn wii zombie xtw la..rse smua sme kot..ok..kalu kowg mennormal mode..beat game 2..kowg akn unlock,costume 1,professional mode,thompson gun(infinite),mercenaries,seperate way n ada asigmnt..bese costume 1 2 xmnarik pown..jz unifm polis leon..tht itz..xde spesel..ok mercenaries..??kalu kowg nk unlock kn smua character..tiap swg kne dpt ranking 5..ingt tiap mission..n tiap sowg..kowg akn unlock handcannon..kowg ble pkai mse story..n free kt mercent(penjual snjata n upgrade dlm story) jgn rsw..kalu kowg beat separate way,dier lbh krg mcm story mode(leon)cme yg beza kowg kwl ada wong..simple xde ssh pon,p ingt jgn overwrite save story len2..kng xdpt snjte..ok ble da beat,kowg akan unlock..costume 2 tok leon n ashley..>gambar bwh<..haa ble da unlock costume nie..kowg jg rsw sal ashley..coz zombie mmg xkn dpt
attack o wt pe2 gn dier..coz dier pkai costume ala2 knight warrior..n bg leon akn unlock ala2 mafia..n typewriter gun(infinite)..2 bnde nie unlock lpas beat seperate nie scret yg pnlg owg nk sgt la..cmne nk dpt prl 412(infinite)..gun yg mcm laser,,mmg syok skli tmbak,mati nyawa save jek..kowg kne beat profesional mode yg da kowg unlock je cm bese,story save len2 tmpt k..jgn overwrite normal complete,hahaha...xrmai yg nk wt..sbb profesional mode ssh cm gmpang k..hahhaha.ok 2 tipz n secret yg zombie nk share gn kowg..klau de nk tnye ble comment..zombie msti lyn,sblum zombie terlpe k..dvd game kowg kne la ori k..kalu x,kowg xkn dpt unlock secret nie..dier kne game2 yg fiz edition pnye..haaa 2 je msala dier..len2 smua xde hal..ok je,,kalu nk tw dvd kwg ori o x..kowg jz try men separate yg da unlock..kalu tgh2 game stck..mkne xori la..huhuh..ok tht it 4 now..zombie nk siap2 stdy nk g exam..hahahha..smpt plk bloq ea x..hahahha..sesje busan..n yaaa ampe2 terlpe bg kowg yg xdpt men game xde ps wii or whtevr 2..jgn rsw la..dgr2 dorg da kuar an tok iphone..
>gmbar sbala..<gameplay n smua nyr sme cm game asl..p pe jadah nk beli ribu2..smte2 men game nie..insyallah zombie nk try usha tok iphone nie..kalu de rezeki..xpown kowg ble down load tok pc..da byk link game nie plk 2..hahah..ok tht it 4 now..see yaa nxt time..wiv new post..ok gtw..luv gaming,enjoy gaming..huhuh..peace..><v
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Ok geng,new pOst tok mlm nie..hahhaha..cmne post sal perempuan 2..sktat nie,rmai da kumen n msg zombie sl post far dorg kte ok n mseh tok info 2..anwy..itz ok..da jd tggjwb zombie tok share sometgh gn kowg..ok tok post yg terbru nie..zombie nk share sal gaming stuff far nie yg post game yg kedua an..fiz zombie wt "shadow of colossus"ok n yg terbaru nie..zombie nk share game yg skg zombie nga lyn.."silent hill shattered memories"..nie antre game yg jp fveret zombie stkat nie..n pd mse yg mse yg sme..zombie bnci giler..hahaha*cmne 2..??*cmne,,??haaa2,sespe yg men..akn tnsion..nk2 ble scene larikn diri..sbnry zombie da lme stop men game nie..p da la,cm yg kt atas nie..3 konsol,ps2,wii,gn psp..p zombie men kt psp...yela,kt ostel mne nk cr tb nk ps an..hahhaha..ok kte borak sl game gaming2 tegar nie..cpe yg xtw silent hill an..plntar pertme silent hill kt ps1(zombie xsmpt nk men,,coz ps1 da pupus..cedihh tolll..)..thn kuar silent hill 2,3,4 the door,n terbru shattered dream nie..genre game nie,stkat yg zombie tw..smua nyr cpe yg agk2 pnakut 2.jgn la men..n prgtn bg yg de skt jntug..pown elak an nie byk elemnt surpse*hehehhe*..ok zombie ctr skt cpe wtak n cmne men nyr.
Dlm game nie kowg akn kwl wtak "Harry Mason"..permulaan mmg agk busan..dier ctr cmne life dier..cmne rpt dier gn anak ea"cheryl"..nk dpndek kn ctr..permulaan ctr nie..harry bru blik dr funfair gn anak ea..skli yg mnjd tnde cmne harry ble pg ke mse dpn..yg dier evn sndri xtw..dlm game nie kowg cme dbg,1 flashlight(lampu suluh),n sebuah handfon(kiri)..xcm silent hill yg lps,at lez 1 pistol...but tok yg bru nie..hahahaha,sore ea..xdpt la..cme men keja2..hahahha..sbr harry terprgkp d sebuah bndar bernma "silent hill"..n bndar nie tlah dlm bndar 2 mmg xde mnusia lnsung..mlenkn harry,2 3 wtak,n creature yg plek2..hpe yg mnarik sl game nie..kowg de 2 ending..story ending or alterntve ending..slalu kalu nk dpt elterntve ending kowg kne cr secret la..biasa mmg ssh..kalu dpt untung la..*huhuhhu*..kowg cme perlu kwal harry tok explore dr 1 tmpt ke 1 tmpt..smbil 2 de puzzle yg kowg kne slesai an..kalu x,mmg kowg akn stuck kt ctu smpai bile2..*mmg zombie bnci game2 cm2..grr~~*
Dlm game kowg mmg perlukn sesgt fon nie..function dier tok kol sesowg..slalu nyr kowg kne berubung gn anak dier..len function..kowg kne rkam,i mean tgkp gmbr kalu de spirit..kebiasaan 1 spirit akn menghubung kowg gn jwpn mte mmg kne peka..alaaa sng mcm seeker la..*ctr mrepek mlayu 2*..kebiasaan mmg kowg akn capture somethg..nk tw pe..??hehehe..ghost..antu..bese mmg kowg akn terprgjt la..hahahha..cth pict kanan..cbe capture somethg kr dress 2..tht men de spirit kt ctu..yg mmg kalu ble kowg xnk tngkp la..*termsuk zombie..*..sprti bese,game nie cm life btol2 la..function fon tok pe..kol or msg..n yaaa lpe..dlm fon harry pown de jg rsw kalu sesat..ok kte da ctr sal function fon n gameplay dier..skg kte move pd creature(makhluk)yg kte kne setel kn..yg zombie sbdri bnci n xtw hpe bnde 2..*nk kte antu x..nk kte cm alien pown x sgt...hurmmm kowg pkr la sndri..*ok dlm game nie..xde scene tmbak mnmbak..bek kayu or hpe2 la..chainsaw ke nk lwn...dlm nie mmg xde 2 smua...yg kowng ble wt tox survive dlm silent hill nie..lari,menyorok..n cr jln kuar...that it..sound mcm sng..mcm kn...but,azab nyr..kekdg psp zombie...zombie cmpk2 kt katil..grm btol...t><t..grrr~~
(kiri)nie la creature yg zombie kte..haaa hpe pndg kowg..??alien ke antu spnjg kowg dkejar mmg skt tlnga la..nk2 kalu pkai headfon cm zombie..coz wht..??sek menjerit je,,,cm pontianak..kowg mmg xkn dpt lwn bnde...yg kowg ble wt,lari sekuat jgn keluar*dlm gps de tnjuk rajin2 cek..* mmg tnsion scene berlari nie..kowg sbnr nyr akan lari2 pusing tmpt yg sme mmg pntg kowg tgok gps..p smbil berlari nk tgok..xle..kowg kne benti..tkn.."o"n cr gps...mmg buang mse..ptot dorg kne cek blik bhgian cre terbek kowg lari jauh2 dlu...ble blkg da clear..cpt2 cek..thn hafal jalan slalu nyr,mmg xkn dpt la..coz creature nie lari laju...wlpn xde mata nk tgok..*hurmmm tht weird..huhu*..biasa track dr kowg kne lari 2 nie cap ea..jauh bpk giler2..kalu ble elakkn bertmbung creature nyawa kowg cpt trun n dier akn lngh an mse kowg smtre tggu suku sakat ea dtg join kekah kowg..hahha..mmg claka..hahaha..tht way zombie kte zombie bnci game nie..sbb nie je la..hahahha..p puzzle dier,n prsaan cuak nk bukak pntu 2 mmg konami mnjadi wt la..coz kowg kalu ble xnk bukak pintu..huhuhu..ok game nie cm game nie,pas da fiz time beh men..mmg de scret..p 1 je,alien advture...kowg kne tgkp gmbr ufo..2 jek..busan,slalu kowg mmg akn terlpas...*mcm zombie*..ok that 4 now,kalu kowg mnt game2 yg alaa2 horror advture...berjln dlm glap,dsergah antu...nie antre yg zombie sggest an..mmg bez,mmg lyn...p kne brni tgung la..jgn xtdo mlm,sala an zombie.hehehhe..
.antre game silence hill,yg terbru nie yg terbek pna kowg ble cek kdai2 yg berhmpiran...ok see yaa next post..mybe zombie nk bg info psal game horror gk..probly "fatal frame"owrait..u knw where 2 find zombie..same time,same time,same place...enjoy gaming everyone...game2 gk,stdy o keje jgn lpe k..heheh...trtme solat jg lpe..hahahha...
ok.adios amigos..><v
ok.adios amigos..><v
Monday, 11 April 2011
wehuuu morning semua..heu3,kowg cmne ok pg nie..??rmai yg exam ke..hahaha..zombie ptg kng,hik4..smlm dkt kol 3 pg zombie stdy,,perghhhh mte da de eyebag la...xske btol..anwy,sblom pe2,zombie nk ckp..i dunt give a shit,ur bastard motherfcker bitches,,*woaaaahhhhh*..ok2,chill...hahhaa..sbb pe zombie ckp cm2..??2 zombie tuju an pd perempuan2 yg skg de title ex zombie..hehehehe..sbb pe,nie zombie nk share somethg...bkn nyr zombie nk anti pompuan or wht,,,p zombie xske owg bermke2 nie..dpn kengkwn dier...masyallah..pnye la alim,dgr pown lgu2 islam jek mc mher blkg...zombie je la tw..dier g cite smua hal zombie kt kengkwn dier..n smpai skg la kwn dier pkr mcm2 sl zombie..but itz ok,kalu kte btol wtpe nk tkotkn..hahha..anwy,2 sjrh idup zombie jek...xde kne mgne gn post nie..just nk luah an grm jek,hope kowg dun mind..ok,PEREMPUAN..??pe yg kwg terpkr bile dgr perkataan PEREMPUAN..??ok2 ble pkr,zombie bg mse..hue3..*ahh lmbt la zombie trus an la.*kalu dtnye pd zombie..??1 je,HEBAT...kalu dtkdirkn allah bg pluang..mmg zombie nk jd perempuan..bygkn perempuan de bermcm2 kelebihan dlm islam..berbndg laki..*cedihhhh* pergorbanan owg perempuan lebih besar dr kaum adam..kowg bygkn,seorg perempuan
ibu,sggup mengadaikn nyawanya selme 9 bulan,mengndungkn kte...2 blom risiko lg..blom2 ibu ni berjuang saat melahirkn kte ke dunia..bygkn,smpai kne operate bgai,,kalu dtnye pd kaum adam..xde sowg yg sggp..even zombie sndri..kte tgok brpe byk ibu yg meninggal dunia saat melahirkan bayi..rmai kn..??haaa tp nie yg nk gtw..apabila seorg ibu mati semasa melahirkn bayi..dier ble dikira sebagai mati syahid..ok zombie nk kowg count ea..bpe byk kaum hawa diberi pluang mati syahid berbndg laki..?ok..hue3..see,tp zombie plik..knpe wanita skrg xmau branak..?rmai kng kte,sbok bekeja..tkot bdn nek slpas branak..puiii nonsense laa...mak zombie slim jek..grrr~~tp dorg xsdr..tndakn yg cm2 la,yg ble menybabkn lbh cpt nyr kiamat tw..allah berkte,dier xkn hancurkn dunia nie..selagi de owg tua,n bdk kecik(baby) didlm dunia nie..kalu 2 gologn nie da da byk owg tua dsksa..bunuh...ibu2 plk,xnk branak...haiii,kte redha je la ok geng..amin..ok,nxt..kehormatan dr..??pntgkn bg perempuan..sbb 2 la mkhota dier..zombie nk ingt an,pd yg lelaki..slgi anda,anda dn anda..?blom de hbungn sah gn psangn anda..jgn seskli kowg sntuh perempuan k.haram tw x...nie x,zmn skg lebih dr sentuh pown..btol x..??ingatn tox zombie gk..ok tok perempuan plak..plez la,plez jge la kehormatan anda...jgn sng2 bg,evn pd tmn lelaki anda..elooo beb,2 blom tntu jd laki hang..dorg 2,wet mnyk pown mak bpak tggung..haaa,smpai mati syahid kedua..tgokk allah syg kaum hawa lbh..tgok2..*lg wt zombie sdh*..kalu anda diperkosa o pe2 je la,fight abis2an...jgn tkot,evn setan 2 de pisau skli pown..lwn jgk,andai kte anda mati..jminan syurga bg anda..sbb anda mmperthanhn maruah anda..hebatkn..n next,dlm nie,tok suami isteri ok...isteri,smua owg tw fiz arahan allah tok isteri...hpe dier..?haaa yuupp,taat pade suami..but,kalu da melggar hukum hakam agama..*cntoh..??*cntoh,,andai kte suami anda surh,jd pelyan kelab mlm ke..pelacur ke,jgn ikot..n jgn tkot dpngl derhaka ok..cbe pkr..??tkot derhaka pd suami,o pd allah..??mne 1...hahhaha..
ok pilihan ketiga allah bg..kalu anda sebagai isteri,taat pd suami,jge maruah suami,menunaikn perintah2 allah..solat n puasa ckup...jge mruah dr,haaa nah amek ko..syurga,dunia yg kekal tok isteri solehah...lihat betapa untung nyr anda kalu berkahwin..nie x..??perempuan skg..nk idup berdikari,indiepndt la kunun..ble idup tnpe sowg laki..tkot berlaki...xnk ke,kowg rebut pluang nie..xnk syurga..??bndig dgn kaum adam..brt tw tggjwb,kalu da btol2 berjaya,bru ble syurga..kalu x,hurmmm hram...huhuhuh...ok 2 bg suami isteri...nie pd ibu2,nie jaminan allah lg...haaa ske la 2..huhu..seorg ibu yg memsak tok ahli keluarga nya dgn ikhlas dan kasih...jgnkn kte api neraka,asap api neraka pown...allah xizinkn sentuh ibu tersbut..bygkn..pnye tggi darjat seowg ibu...dier la yg tlah mngndungkn kite...dier la yg mmbesarkn kte,mmberi mkn mmberi minum..dier la yg suap kn kte smse kcil...tgn 2 gk la yg bsuh berak kencing kte..mulia sgguh*mte nk nageh trgt ibu,,hurmm*..fiz info nie zombie tw..ble tgok ibu zombie pnt2 ssh pyh memsak kt dpur..mmg,ciyez zombie menages tw..*ilang rocker..huhu*..ini x,zmn skg...ibu2 sbok bkerja...mkn smua nyr instant..kfc la,mcd la..kalu x 2 pown.bibik gk yg msak...ingt ea,kalu anda de anak..kalu ble jge la,jgn bg owg len...sbb pe..??sbb caye la,anak 2 akn lbh sygkn owg luar berbndg anda,,btol 2,anak lbh rpt gn bibik..anak lbh syg nenek dr mak..sbb nyr..owg luar yg menyuapkn mknan dlm mlot anak2 2..bhye k,so ingt2 kaum hawa..trtme ibu..cbe kte imbas blik..allah mmg syg kaum hawa,dn tggi nyr martabat sbgai perempuan..evn dlm alquran pown de sbot..pd yg lelaki,zombie nk ingtkn..jge la ibu anda,kakak anda,adik or isteri anda elok..
Anda harus ingt yer,anda nie lelaki anda pelindung mereka,,khalifah meraka...anda la ayah,anda la suami anda la anak2...jlnkn tggjwb anda..jge mereka,dn ingt hram n berdosa besar bg sowg laki mmpergunakn sorg wanita demi kepntingan diri..harus dingtkn...xde nyr wanita...x lahir nyr pemimpin2 khalifah2 yg bernama lelaki..ok akhir kte,pd kaum adam..plez hormat meraka..jika dibndigkn...meraka 2 sgt mulia..jgn rosakkn meraka,ingt..zombie tegaskn sesgt2 nie..ok la,stkat nie sje post..see ya next yg len plk..ok last zombie nk ckp..salute kaum hawa..TERIMA KASIH kauh hrgai dn sy syg kamu..ingt,bg yg suami..ingt isteri,syg isteri,jge anak2 syg ibu anda..cinta ibu anda..jgn mnderhaka..xcium bau syurga k..jgn plh owg yg anda knl setaun dua(pkwe o mkwe)dr owg yg anda knl bertahun2(ibu anda)..akhir kte,ktekn pd ibu anda..ibu.mama.umi.mak. terima kasih 4 everthg..<3
ok adios amigos..><v
ibu,sggup mengadaikn nyawanya selme 9 bulan,mengndungkn kte...2 blom risiko lg..blom2 ibu ni berjuang saat melahirkn kte ke dunia..bygkn,smpai kne operate bgai,,kalu dtnye pd kaum adam..xde sowg yg sggp..even zombie sndri..kte tgok brpe byk ibu yg meninggal dunia saat melahirkan bayi..rmai kn..??haaa tp nie yg nk gtw..apabila seorg ibu mati semasa melahirkn bayi..dier ble dikira sebagai mati syahid..ok zombie nk kowg count ea..bpe byk kaum hawa diberi pluang mati syahid berbndg laki..?ok..hue3..see,tp zombie plik..knpe wanita skrg xmau branak..?rmai kng kte,sbok bekeja..tkot bdn nek slpas branak..puiii nonsense laa...mak zombie slim jek..grrr~~tp dorg xsdr..tndakn yg cm2 la,yg ble menybabkn lbh cpt nyr kiamat tw..allah berkte,dier xkn hancurkn dunia nie..selagi de owg tua,n bdk kecik(baby) didlm dunia nie..kalu 2 gologn nie da da byk owg tua dsksa..bunuh...ibu2 plk,xnk branak...haiii,kte redha je la ok geng..amin..ok,nxt..kehormatan dr..??pntgkn bg perempuan..sbb 2 la mkhota dier..zombie nk ingt an,pd yg lelaki..slgi anda,anda dn anda..?blom de hbungn sah gn psangn anda..jgn seskli kowg sntuh perempuan k.haram tw x...nie x,zmn skg lebih dr sentuh pown..btol x..??ingatn tox zombie gk..ok tok perempuan plak..plez la,plez jge la kehormatan anda...jgn sng2 bg,evn pd tmn lelaki anda..elooo beb,2 blom tntu jd laki hang..dorg 2,wet mnyk pown mak bpak tggung..haaa,smpai mati syahid kedua..tgokk allah syg kaum hawa lbh..tgok2..*lg wt zombie sdh*..kalu anda diperkosa o pe2 je la,fight abis2an...jgn tkot,evn setan 2 de pisau skli pown..lwn jgk,andai kte anda mati..jminan syurga bg anda..sbb anda mmperthanhn maruah anda..hebatkn..n next,dlm nie,tok suami isteri ok...isteri,smua owg tw fiz arahan allah tok isteri...hpe dier..?haaa yuupp,taat pade suami..but,kalu da melggar hukum hakam agama..*cntoh..??*cntoh,,andai kte suami anda surh,jd pelyan kelab mlm ke..pelacur ke,jgn ikot..n jgn tkot dpngl derhaka ok..cbe pkr..??tkot derhaka pd suami,o pd allah..??mne 1...hahhaha..
ok pilihan ketiga allah bg..kalu anda sebagai isteri,taat pd suami,jge maruah suami,menunaikn perintah2 allah..solat n puasa ckup...jge mruah dr,haaa nah amek ko..syurga,dunia yg kekal tok isteri solehah...lihat betapa untung nyr anda kalu berkahwin..nie x..??perempuan skg..nk idup berdikari,indiepndt la kunun..ble idup tnpe sowg laki..tkot berlaki...xnk ke,kowg rebut pluang nie..xnk syurga..??bndig dgn kaum adam..brt tw tggjwb,kalu da btol2 berjaya,bru ble syurga..kalu x,hurmmm hram...huhuhuh...ok 2 bg suami isteri...nie pd ibu2,nie jaminan allah lg...haaa ske la 2..huhu..seorg ibu yg memsak tok ahli keluarga nya dgn ikhlas dan kasih...jgnkn kte api neraka,asap api neraka pown...allah xizinkn sentuh ibu tersbut..bygkn..pnye tggi darjat seowg ibu...dier la yg tlah mngndungkn kite...dier la yg mmbesarkn kte,mmberi mkn mmberi minum..dier la yg suap kn kte smse kcil...tgn 2 gk la yg bsuh berak kencing kte..mulia sgguh*mte nk nageh trgt ibu,,hurmm*..fiz info nie zombie tw..ble tgok ibu zombie pnt2 ssh pyh memsak kt dpur..mmg,ciyez zombie menages tw..*ilang rocker..huhu*..ini x,zmn skg...ibu2 sbok bkerja...mkn smua nyr instant..kfc la,mcd la..kalu x 2 pown.bibik gk yg msak...ingt ea,kalu anda de anak..kalu ble jge la,jgn bg owg len...sbb pe..??sbb caye la,anak 2 akn lbh sygkn owg luar berbndg anda,,btol 2,anak lbh rpt gn bibik..anak lbh syg nenek dr mak..sbb nyr..owg luar yg menyuapkn mknan dlm mlot anak2 2..bhye k,so ingt2 kaum hawa..trtme ibu..cbe kte imbas blik..allah mmg syg kaum hawa,dn tggi nyr martabat sbgai perempuan..evn dlm alquran pown de sbot..pd yg lelaki,zombie nk ingtkn..jge la ibu anda,kakak anda,adik or isteri anda elok..
Anda harus ingt yer,anda nie lelaki anda pelindung mereka,,khalifah meraka...anda la ayah,anda la suami anda la anak2...jlnkn tggjwb anda..jge mereka,dn ingt hram n berdosa besar bg sowg laki mmpergunakn sorg wanita demi kepntingan diri..harus dingtkn...xde nyr wanita...x lahir nyr pemimpin2 khalifah2 yg bernama lelaki..ok akhir kte,pd kaum adam..plez hormat meraka..jika dibndigkn...meraka 2 sgt mulia..jgn rosakkn meraka,ingt..zombie tegaskn sesgt2 nie..ok la,stkat nie sje post..see ya next yg len plk..ok last zombie nk ckp..salute kaum hawa..TERIMA KASIH kauh hrgai dn sy syg kamu..ingt,bg yg suami..ingt isteri,syg isteri,jge anak2 syg ibu anda..cinta ibu anda..jgn mnderhaka..xcium bau syurga k..jgn plh owg yg anda knl setaun dua(pkwe o mkwe)dr owg yg anda knl bertahun2(ibu anda)..akhir kte,ktekn pd ibu anda..ibu.mama.umi.mak. terima kasih 4 everthg..<3
ok adios amigos..><v
corey taylor(slipknot) vs corey taylor(stone sour)
Wehuuu~~hye Geng2 zombie..kowg smua cmne..??mlm nie de yg keje...o stdy...hahhaha...sme la kte,zombie pown skng nga stdy...perghhh~~rse nk pcah pale nie..yela,t gn akaun...bsness math,adehhh...subjek plg zombie bnci dlm dunia..cpe la yg cipta 2..nk je jmpe,,,*owg 2 da dlm kubur pown*...hehehhee...p xpe la,zombie nk rez jp,share post gn kowg...smbil2 2 lyn "stone sour"...adehhhh zombie da jtuh cinta plk sama ini band..hsil nyr,skg nga download album dorg...hahaha..bese la,zombie mmg cmnie..bkn pe,zombie ske dgr sore dier..mmg sdp,mmg lyn..mybe rmai yg xtw band nie..yela coz mmg xfemes kt mlysia...evn zombie ckp name vokalis pown de yg blur2,haaa de tp ble zombie kte 'SLIPKNOT'...haaaa smua tw lahahahha.gud3..ok zombie nk share somethg sal vokalis dorg..COREY TAYLOR...mybe rmai xknl,tp dier nie pnynyi,penulis lagu..mybe lgu2 band kowg mnt,kemgkinan dier yg wt...n dier byk join band2,antre ea.."JUNK BEER KIDNAP BAND"."APOCALYOTICA","SOULFLY","ANTHRAX" and "AVENGED SEVENFOLD"..haaa msti kowg pkr,btol ke avenged sevenfold 2..hahahha...btol la..xtpu..??xcaye..huhh du i care..hehehe..ok2,zombie graw..jgn la mara...hahah..ok zombie nk share biodata dier nie skt yg xtw lg..mybe rmai ingt dier join slipknot thn stone sour...erkkkk kowg sala..actly corey join slipknot taun 1997..dier da dgn stone sour 1992..haaa taun zombie lahir 2..hahah..
Haaa,kalu da rock o metal singer 2,mmg xlari la dr msala fmly dr kecik smpai la besarkn..kalu dikotkn corey mmg byk sejarah itam..dier dilahirkn pd taun 8 DECEMBER 1973..kalu ikotkn umo dier skng da 38 taun..p still mde n smgt lg...caya la..huhu..kalu mlysia,umo 30 lebih da buncit da..hahhaa..ok back pd corey..dier dibesarkn oleh ibu dier shje..i mean ibu tunggal..p setw zombie,dier dpt jmpe ayh dier blik,pd taun march 28 2005...perghhh lme btol,bru jmpe...zombie xtw la smede terpsh o dtggal an..xpe la,xpntg..hahaha...dier pernah berkahwin sebyk dua kali..crai kwen len..n thn mmpunyai 2 org ank..*corey amek la sy jd anak u*Ok 2 ctr smse kcik..smasa remaja pulak...dlm aggaran umo 15 taun..dier da mle terlibat gn dadah n overdose cocaine..*adehhh cian ea*mybe sbb traf idup*sjk dr 2..dier da mle insaf n wt keje2 buruh smte2 nk membeli instrumen muzik..coz nk bantu nenek dier..*dak skng,jgn arap*dier nie slalu pndah rndah gn nene dier 2..n dr ctu dier terjmpe ayah dier..*haaa da clear skt..gud3..*..slpas da mengkt dewasa..corey telah berkahwin dgn istri pertme dier..SCARLETT STONE..n divorce 3 taun pas 2..n thn kawen gn STEPHANIE LUBY..p mybe bb still ske n syg bini lama...corey mengalami tekanan prasaan..smpai an corey pernah nk bunuh dr*bongok tol..huhuhu*tp dier smpt la dipujuk ole ex dier*mngde2 gk ko nie...huhuh*..n thn pas 2,corey mlekn idup baru tnpe dadah n overdose arak o whtever thing la..*sng ctr bnde2 setan nie..*ok skg dier pown da epi n trus an idup..gud,tht more like it..yeahhh...!!kte move pd carier dier plk..readyy..??get set gooo~~..*ehhh nk lari mne..blom abeh lg nie..lpak2..hahaha*..ok mybe owg sala aggp..yg slipknot dlu dr stone sour..huhu..but stone sour antre band corey yg terawal..
semasa corey sdg berkerja d ""Adult Emporium, a sex shop in Des Moines, Iowa""..*kdai pe 2..*ahh cecpe bebdak jgn tnye mak ayah..t zombie kne plk...xcian ke..??hahaha...t dorg suh close plk bloq nie..hahah..dier tlah dlmar oleh,joey,mick n shawn..tok join slipknot..mle nyr,corey rsekn band stone sour dier xde arapan..tht wy,dier join slipknot..n niat nk fokus slipknot..but pas slipknot femes,dier niat nk nek kn band dier..*ske ati la,band dier..lnx la nk tmpg ke an..who care,kalu zombie...zombie pown wt cm2..hahah*..slpz tour tok album slipknot "iowa"dier rejoin blik stone sour...n dr ctu band stone mle nek n seftraf slipknot...mle mmg rmai tkot,corey akn kuar dr slipknot..*zombie pown*..p dier ttp tgas akn sme gn slipknot..coz dier rsekn slipknot tmpt peminat2 dier knl dier..*haahh nsb bek..hahaha..*p as kowg tw...slipknot bru kehilang bassist PAUL GRAY pd taun slipknot kn skrg corey bz gn tour stone sour tok album terbaru dorg"audio secrecy"
Andai kown nk cr album yg bgus2..zombie mmg saran an yg far smua track dlm nie..bez2..trtme "say you'll haunt me"..mmg lyn single nie..zombie da de album nie..xpown kowg download je..skg da muda an..hahha..nie album ketiga stone sour..but so far nie je yg lyn n kowg mmg dpt dgr nynyi lgu slow2..berbndig gn zombie corey nie mmg artis yg great..mlysia xde lnsung...tht wy zombie xlyn artis mlysia nie..bkn nk lpe dr or wht,p anda sndri dgr...nynyi xsbrpe...n zombie still ingt ayt corey"artist on this era,doest care about music but just fucking damn money"..hahaha..mmg kne la,gud corey gud...hahaha..ok geng tht this 4 now..zombie pown nk smbug stdy..nxt time kne update post len o artist len plk...trtme metal o hardcore yer,artis bese2...hurmmm tgok la kalu zombie rajin...hahaha..
ok geng..see yaa nxt time..n yaaa nk psan,kalu anda hardcore metal or pe2 genre even black..toksah pkr owg keliling nk ckp pe..ckp kowg sst or wht...ktuk imej dorg..sbnrnyr,berbndg smua...kte lg idup d alam realiti berbdg dorg...coz wht..??lagu2 metal n rock nie..menceritakn idup yg sbnr..cmne dunia skg,bgaimana penindasan..n kte protes 2 smua...kte keras sbb nk gk owg tw kte wjud..x cm musik len..berdsrkn cinta dn idup party n gye idup bebas..n i would say tht fuck tht shit life...t><t
ok geng,zombie out dlu..see yaa,thx spnd time bce bloq nie..hrgai sesgt..klau de pndgn n info but music nie..ble share2..ok,ingt allah...syg mak ayah..jge dr jge maruah...klau owg pertikaikn anda...just say,du i look care,fuck you..!!!go back 2 ur own damn dream...adios amigos..stay(SIC)maggot..
brandon anderson vs cisko miranda
Owrait geng..jmpe lg post yg baru..hue3,kowg amcm rinie..??ok2 sht...skg nie da lunch an..haaa da mkn..??zombie blom la..blnje ble..hehehe..xmhl pown,zombie mnx mura2 jek,kui3...*mura hpe 2..* je mnybok la..hahhaha...ok..skg nie zombie agk bz...da final an,dgn keje projek n asgmnt yg berlmbak...zombie rse nk bkar je krtas2 keje nie...hahahhha...ok rinie kte nk borak2 psl..
ANDERSON VS CISKO..waaa eleq2 nie bkn wwf ke...boxing ke..??or yg sme wktu gn nyr..hahhaha*men2 plk..*grrrr~~ok dua mamat nie pnynyi...dr band "EYES SET TO KILL"
tetbe zombie rse nk share gn kowg bb smlm dok wt asgmnt gn roomte zombie...kteowg borak sl band nie..ble smpai tng vokal ea..hpe lg bertkak wrestling smua la..yela,zombie lg ske brandon...dier ske cisko...grrr~~*panas2*ok...cek kt bwh nie...zombie de upload...1st,BRANDON ANDERSON..
haaa cmne..??zombie rse dier hot n emo giler la..*but im normal k*ske tgok...mmg smrt,dlm band nie...dier plg zombie ske...ble kte antre screamer yg zombie salute..bykkn..dier da bersme band nie..dr 2003-2009..bpe lme 2..haaa..??sjk album.."when silence is broken the night is torn","reach","the world outside"...fiz mse album terbaru dorg.."broken frame"zombie mmg xcted youtube...nk tgok de video baru x an..skli tgok adehhh screamer dier da tkr...bkn brandon lg..mmg zombie xpuas ati nyr,mngala an gram mkan zombie dmbil sewnang2 nyr...zombie search google,fb,ms...mmg sah brandon da kuar dr band yg kte,dier kuar dr band nie ssb perempuan..p rse cm x je,,,cm xlogik an..p rse mmg dier sakit la..yela,nk jd screamer nie nhye skt...risiko byk...ble efek sore dorg..kalu slp ble bisu trus...but long man,salute u...haiiipp3...Antre lagu2 yg brandon terlibat,mmg far yg mmg fvtret zombie.."reach","a sketch in black&white","darling","liar in the glass","heights"..n byk lg la..huhuhu..ANDERSON VS CISKO..waaa eleq2 nie bkn wwf ke...boxing ke..??or yg sme wktu gn nyr..hahhaha*men2 plk..*grrrr~~ok dua mamat nie pnynyi...dr band "EYES SET TO KILL"
tetbe zombie rse nk share gn kowg bb smlm dok wt asgmnt gn roomte zombie...kteowg borak sl band nie..ble smpai tng vokal ea..hpe lg bertkak wrestling smua la..yela,zombie lg ske brandon...dier ske cisko...grrr~~*panas2*ok...cek kt bwh nie...zombie de upload...1st,BRANDON ANDERSON..
nie antre2 video brandon...enjoy...=)
Ok,we move 2 d nxt 1...cpe nme mamat 2..adehhh,yg roomte zombie eboh2 2...hahahha..*adehh cpe bling btol nie..grrr~~*ok,d nxt 1 is CISKO MIRANDA..alaa2 nme perempuan gitu...hahhahaha..*nyah upe nyr*..grrr~~sbok jek,p men2 jauh2...mau bloq pown xsng...sore2,roomte zombie...dier ske sgt kcw...hahahha..ok..cisko..hurmmm actlly zombie pown xsure lg hal nie nie..anwy nie gmbr..
Skli pndg nmpk cm mat bagla pown de an..hue3...hahhaha..ok nie cisko..screamer baru tox "eyes set to kill"..actly dier nie owg kulit itam...dlm bhse ksr nyr negro..huhuhu...sore cisko..hahha..ok,fiz yg zombie pkr nmpk dier nie..hurmmm,ble ke dier nie..??bkn negro nynyi lagu lmbik2 je..p ble da pekena sore dier nie..ok la,zombie salute dier gk..not lez xmemlu an eyes set to kill...yela bb,owg mmg da tw power brandon dl band nie..hope cisko ble jd bttr o sme traf..but so far k..fiz mv dier"broken frames"...p yg zombie agk musykil la...*btol ke eja 2..huhu*dier msuk..skli dua owg dlm band nie kuar..fiz brandon...n scnd greg(guitar)..adehhh~how come xle ngam owg puteh&itam dpndek an ctr..cisko skrg mergkp vokal,key n guitar...perghhh brt 2,tggjwb brandon n greg dier kne bwk..wahahahha,pdn mke..but anwy dude...ko smrt gk..hope ble success lg..go eyes et to kill..dgr kte akan de album bru xlme lg...waaa nie yg zombie xsaba nie..ok zombie share 1 video cisko...tok single terbaru dorg...
oh well,,,so far info nie zombie share gn kowg..snr byk lg..but skg nga zombie slow2 skt ea...hope u dont mind...nxt kte akn share band len plk..o gaming stuff yg len...terbaru,latest or da thp oldskol...ok close post...hope ur guy enjot it..keep rockin..peace no bese..syg dr,syg mak ayah..trtme syg tuhan k..senyum2,cntik luar cntik dalam...adios salam..=)
Sunday, 10 April 2011
top 10 rock or metal female singer..
owrait...nie yg kbrpe post nie..hurmmm zombie xingt la..yeahh2,whtevr la bnde 2...xpntg pown..
xde kne mngne gn topiC yg zombie nk share nie...hahahha..peace><v genre de dlm dunia nie..pop,rap,rock,metal..n so on,kowg pkr la sndri...mlas la zombie mlm nie...hahahha*background,ko ari2 mlas..*hey cpe ckp 2..dushhhh3*empok gn table..ala2 wwf*
ok mne kte benti td..keh2...ok music an..haaa kowg refer yg cmne...??2 hak kowg..tlnga kowg an...xkn zombie nk alang2 an..skg de lg ke owg pkr yg music krs2 nie sesat..??kalu de..mmg kuno la..skg nie pop lg sesat..xmau ctr la arts 2..but kwg pown da tw an..hahahha,ok zombie mmg ble kte lyn smua music..
p kalu slow2,jiwang...mmg xle msuk la..xtw nape...??mybe coz da bese lyn yg keras2..heu3..ok kte bcg sl music keras...pd yg xtw..mksud nyr mcm..metal.hardcore, sme wktu gn nyr..huhuhu...
mybe dlu cmnie..laki je ble nynyi..p skg..xde mkne nyr..owg kte taraf laki pompuan da sme..yeke..??hahha,depend pd tngapan memsg la...p zombie stju gn 2...hahah...ok zombie nk share antre top female singer...tox band2 rock n metal nie..n scre perbdi zombie pown mnt..hue3*malu2*
ok count 10..MARIA BRINK..
haaaa cmne..??opp2,yg laki 2..jge mate...jgn smpai terjojol kuar lk...hahhaha...ok nie MARIA BRINK..hurmmm,actlly zombie xbrpe tw sgt sl minah nie...p dier hot*auwwwwww*dier voklis tok band "in this moment"..zombie xtw nk ckp music dorg sdp ke ok ke x ke..dier mmg scream..bguz..terbek,p syg band ea fiz time men music..*adehhh kne block krg nie..hue3*...anwy xpe,mne tw nk lyn ke an..kowg search jek..p kalu lagu lyn bg zombie.."prayer"2 je la..len agk kureng...anwy we move on nxt 1..ok no 9 is..
CANDACE KUCSULAI haaa yg nie cmne..??rock an...perghhh,tp 1 je la...sebijik da cm laki...heu3...ok dier nie singer tox band "wall of jericho"yg nie pown sme...mmg mntap la scream..mmg zombie tabik spring..rse kalu ltk laki gn dier...mmg nageh2 la laki 2 kala...hahahha..ok scre pribadi zombie mmg ske sore dier...gud job,p agk2 reti msak ke x dier nie ea..??hurmmm soalan sejenak...hahhaha..ok move on~~
yg no 8 jtuh kdpe..*bunyi drum*CANDICE CLOT
waaa nie cun an..bibir dier wt zombie cair la..abeh otak2 nie..keh3...grw jek..lawak bodo ye x..hahahha...ok nie yg top 3 bg zombie..hue3..dier dr band "eths"wht..??pe mkne ea...enth jgn tnye...zombie pown xtw..hahhah...tmbh lk lagu2 ea..lg xphm..rse owg spnyol kot nie..kalu xslp la...p candice nie,wlpn mde...sore dier waaa ckp lu..tggi nk mmpus..agk kalu pngl anak blik time maghrib 2 pown bpe kilomter pown le dgr...hehehe...sore candice,still luv u..<3
ok so far kte da de 3...n skng move pd tmpt ketujuh...cpe ea...ke7,OTEP SHAMAYA
waaaa..nie pown hot an..??p ciyez...kalu kowg tgok mke dier mse mle2 kuar 2..perghhh xslera selebet ea...hahahha..p skg tgok,waaaa terbek la...zombie pna tgok gmbr tatu dier...fuhhhh,dsyt giler...n tiap 1 de mkne...yg 2 t zombie search n post len ea..hehehhe...ok lpe,dier nie vokalis tox band"otep"yaa i knw..??nama nie zombie mmg ske..sore dier,ble wt zombie xtdo 2 ari 3 mlm tw...pnye seram..hahhaha...ok now no..??no...??*adehh byk mkn semut ke...*ok no 6...hahahha..jgn la mara...hehe
ok now,tpok tgn tok ANGELA GOSSOW..
yg nie da agk berumur skt la geng..p single..??ok wht...cun lg...hehehhe..ok,minah nie vokalis tok "arch enemy"rse xyh knl an la band nie..da rmai knal lme..=p..
zombie mmg rspek dier nie..sore nyr tebek scream..kalu zombie dok oversea...nk je mnx dier jd mak angkat zombie...hehehhe..
ok now seterus nyr...ALEXIA..
haaa alexia...nie pict lme dier..yg terbaru de tatu kt lengan...hue2..dier nie la vokalis,guitar,n key...tox band "eyes set to kill"...haaa antre band hardcore yg tgh top skg mntp nyr chisko scream..wlpn negro..p syg brandon kuar sbb de msala tekak..hey wht,btol la..kowg glak asl..hehehhee..ok alexia nie xla scream cm gurl kt ats nie..dier jz singer bese jek..p sore dier mmg sdp,n merdu..plng zombie ske,"a world outside"..cun giler,xthn zombie tgok...n pna la bertkak n rebut dier gn kwn zombie..hahahha..*cm dak kcik..*ske ati la..hahahha..ok move...xmau buang is,ALISSA WHITE...
zombie mmg minat dier sesgt...cun beb,ciyez ckp..laki xthn nafsu...da lme da..hahaha..*dak bwh umo ttop mte*hahaha..ok alissa,dier vokalis tok "the agonist"..fiz dgr lagu dier..'thank you pain'trus zombie mnt band nie...ciyez sok nyr,zombie kol smua mmbr..yg keje kt kdai2 hardcore cd x...perghhh smpai kl zombie cr...nsb de..n siap t-shirt skli..rmai kte,keje bodo la ko nie..but who care rite..??zombie da mnt..hahahha...
kalu cpe nk lyn...zombie saran an kowg dgr n tgok mv dorg tox "thank you pain"..
ok next..yg nie xyh knl an..mne x nyr...dr kecik zombie da mnt...mybe korg pown cm2..agk2 kowg knl x band evanescene..haa2..??msti da le agk vokalis dier an..hahhaa...ok,AMYLEE..
nie la fiz female rock singer yg zombie mnt gler..ske tgok dier..cun ala2 gothic an..perghhh~~p skg da syp jek...da xde ke pe band nie..zombie search2,kabar ea dorg de msala dalaman..adehhh~~saba la cik kiah oiii..hahhaha..ok now 4 no 2...yez...hahahhaa...perempuan berambut mera..daa msti da tw an...hahahha..smpai an kwn2 zombie mnt benar gn dier..huhh hpe spesel pown xtw..*abeh asl ko plh no2*alaaa aq ske sore jek..hahahha..*cover2*HAYLEY WILLIAM
hhaaa tgok 2..bjet je,,,puiiii...*p comel...hurmmm~~*ok2 whtever..zombie da mrepk da..nie gara2 nk final da ponink nie..hahhaha..ok hayley,cpe xknl an..mmg top gn lagu "misery bsness"..n vokalis paramore..p 1 je minah nie..ble da femes...besar pale plk..cian kt band paramore..dorg yg strt an band 2..hayley msuk lmbt..hayley dgn mke sememeh nie femes bb zombie mmg btol,p jgn la ebo kt reportr an...kck la ati band mmbr len skg nie dorg da berpcah..dgr kte hayley akn nynyi solo..oh well kte tggu je sdp ke x t..kalu ok..jgn rsw...zombie akn ssprt...hahahha...anwy,konsert paramore d mlysia...zombie xle lupa la..superb...hahahha
yahhhh yg kte 1 plhn ati n jntung zombie adalah..mkwe terbaru zombie..knl kan..huhuhu
ahhhh..lawa nyr..da de balak blom nie..zombie mnt sesgt nie..hurrrmmm~~*kcewa*hahahha..ok mybe rmai yg xfmiliar gn dier nie..yela,bb blom femes kt mlysia lg..p d eropah...dorg da top...n de album terbaru..'fixed at zero'...*woii2 name band pe..!!*haaa,wht..??owhh sore la lpe..ok band dier.."versaemerge"hahahha...p zombie xske tol owg kte...dier tiru de sowg kwn zombie nie..da msuk wad zombie keje an..hahaha...xde laaa kidding..hahha..n dier gemok ke..?mne de...comel la..chubby...type yg zombie ske..gagag~~p klau yg dsak suh zombie ngaku dier tiru paramore..xkn k,but zombie le kte an..evanescene+paramore=versaemerge..haaa puas ati..grm btol..huhuhu...
ok tht it 4 10 female singer rock and metal...but nie pndpt zombie je k..peace>< pown zombie mnt SIENNA KUSTERBECK..fulstop...hahha..
ok epi life...see yaa nxt post...peace,keep smile..keep crazy....syg diri,syg mak ayah,yg pntg syg allah..
chow~~as salam...
xde kne mngne gn topiC yg zombie nk share nie...hahahha..peace><v genre de dlm dunia nie..pop,rap,rock,metal..n so on,kowg pkr la sndri...mlas la zombie mlm nie...hahahha*background,ko ari2 mlas..*hey cpe ckp 2..dushhhh3*empok gn table..ala2 wwf*
ok mne kte benti td..keh2...ok music an..haaa kowg refer yg cmne...??2 hak kowg..tlnga kowg an...xkn zombie nk alang2 an..skg de lg ke owg pkr yg music krs2 nie sesat..??kalu de..mmg kuno la..skg nie pop lg sesat..xmau ctr la arts 2..but kwg pown da tw an..hahahha,ok zombie mmg ble kte lyn smua music..
p kalu slow2,jiwang...mmg xle msuk la..xtw nape...??mybe coz da bese lyn yg keras2..heu3..ok kte bcg sl music keras...pd yg xtw..mksud nyr mcm..metal.hardcore, sme wktu gn nyr..huhuhu...
mybe dlu cmnie..laki je ble nynyi..p skg..xde mkne nyr..owg kte taraf laki pompuan da sme..yeke..??hahha,depend pd tngapan memsg la...p zombie stju gn 2...hahah...ok zombie nk share antre top female singer...tox band2 rock n metal nie..n scre perbdi zombie pown mnt..hue3*malu2*
ok count 10..MARIA BRINK..
haaaa cmne..??opp2,yg laki 2..jge mate...jgn smpai terjojol kuar lk...hahhaha...ok nie MARIA BRINK..hurmmm,actlly zombie xbrpe tw sgt sl minah nie...p dier hot*auwwwwww*dier voklis tok band "in this moment"..zombie xtw nk ckp music dorg sdp ke ok ke x ke..dier mmg scream..bguz..terbek,p syg band ea fiz time men music..*adehhh kne block krg nie..hue3*...anwy xpe,mne tw nk lyn ke an..kowg search jek..p kalu lagu lyn bg zombie.."prayer"2 je la..len agk kureng...anwy we move on nxt 1..ok no 9 is..
CANDACE KUCSULAI haaa yg nie cmne..??rock an...perghhh,tp 1 je la...sebijik da cm laki...heu3...ok dier nie singer tox band "wall of jericho"yg nie pown sme...mmg mntap la scream..mmg zombie tabik spring..rse kalu ltk laki gn dier...mmg nageh2 la laki 2 kala...hahahha..ok scre pribadi zombie mmg ske sore dier...gud job,p agk2 reti msak ke x dier nie ea..??hurmmm soalan sejenak...hahhaha..ok move on~~
yg no 8 jtuh kdpe..*bunyi drum*CANDICE CLOT
waaa nie cun an..bibir dier wt zombie cair la..abeh otak2 nie..keh3...grw jek..lawak bodo ye x..hahahha...ok nie yg top 3 bg zombie..hue3..dier dr band "eths"wht..??pe mkne ea...enth jgn tnye...zombie pown xtw..hahhah...tmbh lk lagu2 ea..lg xphm..rse owg spnyol kot nie..kalu xslp la...p candice nie,wlpn mde...sore dier waaa ckp lu..tggi nk mmpus..agk kalu pngl anak blik time maghrib 2 pown bpe kilomter pown le dgr...hehehe...sore candice,still luv u..<3
ok so far kte da de 3...n skng move pd tmpt ketujuh...cpe ea...ke7,OTEP SHAMAYA
waaaa..nie pown hot an..??p ciyez...kalu kowg tgok mke dier mse mle2 kuar 2..perghhh xslera selebet ea...hahahha..p skg tgok,waaaa terbek la...zombie pna tgok gmbr tatu dier...fuhhhh,dsyt giler...n tiap 1 de mkne...yg 2 t zombie search n post len ea..hehehhe...ok lpe,dier nie vokalis tox band"otep"yaa i knw..??nama nie zombie mmg ske..sore dier,ble wt zombie xtdo 2 ari 3 mlm tw...pnye seram..hahhaha...ok now no..??no...??*adehh byk mkn semut ke...*ok no 6...hahahha..jgn la mara...hehe
ok now,tpok tgn tok ANGELA GOSSOW..
yg nie da agk berumur skt la geng..p single..??ok wht...cun lg...hehehhe..ok,minah nie vokalis tok "arch enemy"rse xyh knl an la band nie..da rmai knal lme..=p..
zombie mmg rspek dier nie..sore nyr tebek scream..kalu zombie dok oversea...nk je mnx dier jd mak angkat zombie...hehehhe..
ok now seterus nyr...ALEXIA..
haaa alexia...nie pict lme dier..yg terbaru de tatu kt lengan...hue2..dier nie la vokalis,guitar,n key...tox band "eyes set to kill"...haaa antre band hardcore yg tgh top skg mntp nyr chisko scream..wlpn negro..p syg brandon kuar sbb de msala tekak..hey wht,btol la..kowg glak asl..hehehhee..ok alexia nie xla scream cm gurl kt ats nie..dier jz singer bese jek..p sore dier mmg sdp,n merdu..plng zombie ske,"a world outside"..cun giler,xthn zombie tgok...n pna la bertkak n rebut dier gn kwn zombie..hahahha..*cm dak kcik..*ske ati la..hahahha..ok move...xmau buang is,ALISSA WHITE...
zombie mmg minat dier sesgt...cun beb,ciyez ckp..laki xthn nafsu...da lme da..hahaha..*dak bwh umo ttop mte*hahaha..ok alissa,dier vokalis tok "the agonist"..fiz dgr lagu dier..'thank you pain'trus zombie mnt band nie...ciyez sok nyr,zombie kol smua mmbr..yg keje kt kdai2 hardcore cd x...perghhh smpai kl zombie cr...nsb de..n siap t-shirt skli..rmai kte,keje bodo la ko nie..but who care rite..??zombie da mnt..hahahha...
kalu cpe nk lyn...zombie saran an kowg dgr n tgok mv dorg tox "thank you pain"..
ok next..yg nie xyh knl an..mne x nyr...dr kecik zombie da mnt...mybe korg pown cm2..agk2 kowg knl x band evanescene..haa2..??msti da le agk vokalis dier an..hahhaa...ok,AMYLEE..
nie la fiz female rock singer yg zombie mnt gler..ske tgok dier..cun ala2 gothic an..perghhh~~p skg da syp jek...da xde ke pe band nie..zombie search2,kabar ea dorg de msala dalaman..adehhh~~saba la cik kiah oiii..hahhaha..ok now 4 no 2...yez...hahahhaa...perempuan berambut mera..daa msti da tw an...hahahha..smpai an kwn2 zombie mnt benar gn dier..huhh hpe spesel pown xtw..*abeh asl ko plh no2*alaaa aq ske sore jek..hahahha..*cover2*HAYLEY WILLIAM
hhaaa tgok 2..bjet je,,,puiiii...*p comel...hurmmm~~*ok2 whtever..zombie da mrepk da..nie gara2 nk final da ponink nie..hahhaha..ok hayley,cpe xknl an..mmg top gn lagu "misery bsness"..n vokalis paramore..p 1 je minah nie..ble da femes...besar pale plk..cian kt band paramore..dorg yg strt an band 2..hayley msuk lmbt..hayley dgn mke sememeh nie femes bb zombie mmg btol,p jgn la ebo kt reportr an...kck la ati band mmbr len skg nie dorg da berpcah..dgr kte hayley akn nynyi solo..oh well kte tggu je sdp ke x t..kalu ok..jgn rsw...zombie akn ssprt...hahahha...anwy,konsert paramore d mlysia...zombie xle lupa la..superb...hahahha
yahhhh yg kte 1 plhn ati n jntung zombie adalah..mkwe terbaru zombie..knl kan..huhuhu
ahhhh..lawa nyr..da de balak blom nie..zombie mnt sesgt nie..hurrrmmm~~*kcewa*hahahha..ok mybe rmai yg xfmiliar gn dier nie..yela,bb blom femes kt mlysia lg..p d eropah...dorg da top...n de album terbaru..'fixed at zero'...*woii2 name band pe..!!*haaa,wht..??owhh sore la lpe..ok band dier.."versaemerge"hahahha...p zombie xske tol owg kte...dier tiru de sowg kwn zombie nie..da msuk wad zombie keje an..hahaha...xde laaa kidding..hahha..n dier gemok ke..?mne de...comel la..chubby...type yg zombie ske..gagag~~p klau yg dsak suh zombie ngaku dier tiru paramore..xkn k,but zombie le kte an..evanescene+paramore=versaemerge..haaa puas ati..grm btol..huhuhu...
ok tht it 4 10 female singer rock and metal...but nie pndpt zombie je k..peace>< pown zombie mnt SIENNA KUSTERBECK..fulstop...hahha..
ok epi life...see yaa nxt post...peace,keep smile..keep crazy....syg diri,syg mak ayah,yg pntg syg allah..
chow~~as salam...
yeah shadow of colossus..ps2 no 1 game..
ok...korang pna men game..??anythg game la..ps2,pc,psp...pe2 je...tipu la kte xde kan..hahhaha
korg rfer genre cmne...??rpg,adventure,fighting2(wacaaaa),o puzzle n whtever la pe bnde lg...hahahha
but if u asked rfer game,pe2 game as 2 violence..tmbak2..pca,fun giler...nk2 kalu fight zombie o monster an...nie cap ea..hahahha...haaa nie nk share nie...ckp sl monster2...zombie nk share somethg gn kowg..
kowg pna men game "shadow of colossus"tok ps2,psp,n terbaru ps3...pena..??
bg yg pna..seppp skt kte geng...hehehhe
bg yg blom n de ps2 2...haaa nie game..terbek cye..xkn busan...hahah
td zombie search2 info kt la 1 video nie..100 game plg top d ps2...fuhh mmg xcted la nk tgok..p dlm pale da pkr..hahhh msti resident evil 4...sbb gmpk an game 2..skli,no 1..shadow of colossus...fuhhh terbek la...hahhaha..
ok zombie bg info skt la sl game nie..kowg msti da bese lwn hantu2,or zombie(not me ea.hue2)..msti kowg pkr..alaahhh men2 plk..ckp je la..grr~~ok2..hehhehe
yg fun sl game nie..kowg kne lwn monster yg agak gedabak besar..kowg cm semut jek...haaa byg an..
game nie ala2 gnre advtre..but at d same time puzzle...mcm mne kowg nk lwn 2..haaa bygkn..
kowg cme d bg..pedang,panah,n sekor kuda...kowg kne berlwn gn 16 colossus(monster)...p bkn sng k..
bg kowg yg agk mls berfkr 2..enti la men ea..hehehhe..sbb otak kowg kne berjln..nk pkr stategi..
p jgn rsw..kowg jz kne cr tmpt kelemahan dier...t de have fun..stab2 pale monster 2..yg bez ble kowg da beh men story..thn strt ne game+..kowg kne men time attack..cye item lock,ble kowg unlock 2...terbek n gmpk.hahah,,lg wt xcted nk men...
mle2 zombie x bermnt pown..jz beli..ble da psg..tgok cm borg jek..hurmmm biar x sntuh2...p ble tgok youtube..perghhhh,blik trus men la..hahahha..kalu cecpe tnye game pe yg zombie sran..nie la dier.."shadow of colossus"ok nie de gameply game 2...zombie share gn kowg..have fun,fun gaming..
korg rfer genre cmne...??rpg,adventure,fighting2(wacaaaa),o puzzle n whtever la pe bnde lg...hahahha
but if u asked rfer game,pe2 game as 2 violence..tmbak2..pca,fun giler...nk2 kalu fight zombie o monster an...nie cap ea..hahahha...haaa nie nk share nie...ckp sl monster2...zombie nk share somethg gn kowg..
kowg pna men game "shadow of colossus"tok ps2,psp,n terbaru ps3...pena..??
bg yg pna..seppp skt kte geng...hehehhe
bg yg blom n de ps2 2...haaa nie game..terbek cye..xkn busan...hahah
td zombie search2 info kt la 1 video nie..100 game plg top d ps2...fuhh mmg xcted la nk tgok..p dlm pale da pkr..hahhh msti resident evil 4...sbb gmpk an game 2..skli,no 1..shadow of colossus...fuhhh terbek la...hahhaha..
ok zombie bg info skt la sl game nie..kowg msti da bese lwn hantu2,or zombie(not me ea.hue2)..msti kowg pkr..alaahhh men2 plk..ckp je la..grr~~ok2..hehhehe
yg fun sl game nie..kowg kne lwn monster yg agak gedabak besar..kowg cm semut jek...haaa byg an..
game nie ala2 gnre advtre..but at d same time puzzle...mcm mne kowg nk lwn 2..haaa bygkn..
kowg cme d bg..pedang,panah,n sekor kuda...kowg kne berlwn gn 16 colossus(monster)...p bkn sng k..
bg kowg yg agk mls berfkr 2..enti la men ea..hehehhe..sbb otak kowg kne berjln..nk pkr stategi..
p jgn rsw..kowg jz kne cr tmpt kelemahan dier...t de have fun..stab2 pale monster 2..yg bez ble kowg da beh men story..thn strt ne game+..kowg kne men time attack..cye item lock,ble kowg unlock 2...terbek n gmpk.hahah,,lg wt xcted nk men...
mle2 zombie x bermnt pown..jz beli..ble da psg..tgok cm borg jek..hurmmm biar x sntuh2...p ble tgok youtube..perghhhh,blik trus men la..hahahha..kalu cecpe tnye game pe yg zombie sran..nie la dier.."shadow of colossus"ok nie de gameply game 2...zombie share gn kowg..have fun,fun gaming..
haaa mek ko..gedabak ea..hahha..nie colossus yg ketiga,..plng zombie bnci nk lwn...p dier plg cool zombie rs e kot..hahaha
colossu yg ke..??yg kee..??adehhh xsure la..p no2 kot..t zombie cek..hehehe
haaaa nie pown antre2 colossus plg zombie bnci...grrrr~~dpt bnuh dier..puas ati....hahhaha.
haaaa yg nie..no1...plg kcang la..stdrd la..tutorial an...keh3...fvret zombie nie...
haaa nie yg last skli..no16...pown zombie bnci gk(smua nyr bnci..hehhe)bkn pe..geng byangkn ea..kowng da pnjt tggi2 cm bgunan klcc...pas2 sng2 je jtuh bwh..n uhh kne men dr mle blik..xke sakit ati..huhuh
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